Friday, September 09, 2005

I know what side I'm on

I was looking back on yesterday's post where I describe the family home as something out of the Curse of Naar and reflecting that I probably shouldn't ever have children. From there, I had a whole knee-slapping pun about being a "breeder" worked out. Right now you might be reading a jovial section where I distanced myself from the suggestion of homosexuality.

I scrapped that plan when a post on websnark reminded me there are some people who have not yet reached the post-Will-and-Grace stage of regarding this topic as a tired but dependable source of jocularity, on a level with Men Won't Ask For Directions.

The authors and target audience of this crap regard homosexuality with disgust and bewilderment. Shame on my tolerant soul, that's the way I feel about their beliefs.

If it wasn't so horrificly sincere, it'd be funny, in an awful way.

any day now how's about getting out of this place