Saturday, September 18, 2004

Passing the time, counting the days

You might wonder where I've been. You'd think, what with it being so quiet and all, that I'd have had just oodles of time to come up with creative and sublimely witty blog posts.

Yeah, well.

I've been a few places this last day or two, in at least a metaphorical sense. For example, I've been to Stickville, a town where I take the role of a police detective by pointing and clicking at MS-Paint pictures of chalk outlines. It's fun, and bears about as much relation to detective work as Cleudo. Only one thing annoyed me- in order to finish Mystery #2 you have to do a web search for weight-loss drugs. Evidently this site is funded by donations from the med-peddlars. If you can put up with that and some hesistant spelling, you'll probably kill a good hour or two over there.

I've also been indulging my Inner Geek. I've been playing a text-based RPG (Role-Playing Game)called Sryth: The Age of Igtheon. It's almost an archetypical RPG: It has Stamina points, Magic points, stat checks, even a actual grapihcal d20 (twenty-sided dice). As you might expect, you take the role of an adventurer. We're happy to ignore the fact that, for all this talk of saving the world for the powers of good, you basially make your living by killing things and robbing their corpses. You're little more than a heavily-armed drifter.

I've tried to avoid that, to some degree. My character has developed skills most strongly in Diplomacy, History and Woodcraft. It's sad in a way, that even this developed urbanite couldn't get anywhere until they'd taken a beating from a Decrepit Goblin. The existence of an alternative storyline that doesn't revolve around a finely graded sequence of ever-bloodier battles in games like this is so rare as to make it a point of note. It'd be nice if it was assumed.

But I, for one, am not going to sleep until I've killed this damn Tarnrat.

Song in my head: "Pumping" by Patti Smith