Thursday, January 22, 2004

A boring blog about my comittments

I'm not sure what to write today.

Firstly, I'm a victim of scheduling. I've been as lazy as a dog in a typing exercise so far this week, and my workload is starting to cough politely and stare at me pointedly. Still, you can;t skip lewctures, so off I went on my bike to the Lindemann Theatre: 10.00 Statistical Mechanics, 11.00 Electromagnestism, 12.00 Quantum mechanics. That ends at 13.00, giving me a nice segue into my 13.15 Amnesty lunch. Unfortunately, I'm now set for a wait from 13.50 til 15.30. I can deal with that though. I can blog, and feel like I'm using my time to it's full potential.

So at 15.30 I have a tutorial. it's not a tutorial I really, really want to go to. We'll be going over a test where I scored, in my estimate, something like 20%. Still, I will bite the bullet. My plan had been to use the burning humiliatrion of this tute to drive me home on wings of a bicycle to industriously calculate partial differentials until dinner.

At 17.30 there is an Amnesty International commitee meeting. I'm not on the comitee- that is, there's no reason for me to go unless I want to get more involved with the group. The problem is that so far, I've not really made any friends there. Going to committee meetings might be a way to achieve that, but it's a question of how long I have to spend hanging around. It's not the only 'extra-curricular' thing I have planned. People and Planet apprently have their national headquarters on my street, and I might have a look at getting involved there. Further, on Sunday will be my first ever JCR meeting.

JCR stands for Juniour Common Room. In Oxford-speak, it describes
a) a large furnished room knee-deep in newspapers and pizza boxes
b) the students therein
c) the democratic body that is produced by this populace.

Despite the fact that I'm now in my fifth term as a memeber of the JCR (in the second sense) I havn't yet been to a meeting of the third sense. People who joined the college when I did now dominate this body. And now I want some of the power. Perhaps in time I'll manage to ingratiate myself onto some mickey-mouse position like "Mens' officer". (No offence, like.)

I'm sorry this post has been dull. I'm in a kind of "overcast" mood. I'm going to go and appreciate the Homestar Runnner.

Lastly, I want to re-define "Long Shot". Mansfield College is holding a ball next saturday. If you're interested in a great night out and a poorly laid-out website, click here.

Song in my head: "Efils God" by Eels