Back to Square One... in so many ways
Command-Q. Such a fateful combination.
Save regularly, kids.
I had a real good post, there. I compared working for a supermarket with the fate of Prometheus, and discussed the moral implications of studying theoretical Physics at the public expense. I bewailed my lack of direction in life vis-a-vis what I'm going to do this summer now that Glastonbury have filled their requirement of workers. I touched on issues of socialism and higher education funding. It was good.
What To Do This Summer is a serious issue right now. I'm getting increasingly restive about my almost total lack of plans, now that I've had to cross through "Glastonbury?" on my list.
Answers on a postcard in an email. My address is in the sidebar.
Well, it's being a mournful post. Here's some frivolity or, if you look at it another way, the nail in the coffin:

I found it here.
Song in my head: "As serious as your life" by Fourtet
Well, I'm going to go and...
Ooh! Moby's "We are all made of Stars" has just come on the radio. If I finish everything I need to do online before it finishes, I can go to the library and work out Partition Functions happily humming, with a smile on my face and a drum loop in my heart. Quick!
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