Just like on the Left Bank, or something
I really have to be going.
Apart from the usual indolence, I've been uploading photos to the Control Arms website- due to the awe-inspiring pixel count of my camera, most of them had to be ruthlessly cropped and washed and so forth. Nonetheless, there they are, on the Million Faces petition.
So now what I'm going to do is cycle up to St Annes and pidge the letters I got signed- about 40 in all, which isn't bad. There's a small but non-zero chance that because of the work I've done this week, someone will live who would otherwise would have died. Everyone who signed their name has made it that little bit harder for people to get away with human rights abuses.
Also this morning, I went to a meeting of Oxford People and Planet- they're discussing what to do in Fairtrade Fortnight, which will be from the 1st of March. Looks like I might do a thing or two in that... But then, 7th week looks a bit mad as it is. Anyway, there were about 7 of us (the other 6 being committed memebers, not first-time attenders like me). It was fun- the meeting happened in a cafe: we sat around a table with diaries and information sheets. Quite frankly, it was cool.
For Oxford readers, you'll find out what we have planned soon.
Song in my head: "Shining Light" by Ash
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